Friday, June 17, 2011

A message to the torturers

To those who carry out these most disgusting and awful deeds...

May you come to apreciate life and it's precious beauty,
You yourself are alive,
Your body is like the Earth - it lives and is nurtured by the great mother nature.
Your breath is like the wind, it flows into you from the world and back to the great winds.
Your blood is like the sea, the waters of life.
Your vision is light, that comes only from the Sun.
Your intuition knows that what you do is wrong, that is can only lead you into the same hell that you create. It is your own hell that you make. And even those that you inflict pain on will eventually come to die, to transcend this worldy existence and to enter into peace.
You however, when you die will enter into a nightmare of visions. You will descend to the most disgusting places. How sad it is that you have made your future to be so.
I pray for you. Not to any god, not through any religion. I pray from myself to you.
I pray that soon you will realise, what you really are. YOU are perfect, and YOU are a god, and we all are. You don't need to create a power dynamic, where you are the Master and you control your slave. Why? Is it because without that you would feel small? But NO - you don't need to feel small my child. We are all children here. And yet we are GREAT.
You must go and and smell the flowers, and lay in the sunlight.
You must forgive yourself for your sins. You must stop the awful things that you do.
If you do this now, there may be hope for you. You may enter into the spiritual heavens. You might avoid hell. If you continue, it is certain that you will remain in hell for many thousands of years, until the day that maybe an angel will come to hell to pul you back out, and take you home.


  1. finally..i thought i was the only one who could see this!! thanks dude:) God Bless!!

  2. Yeh right, I've been onto this for a while now. I've even left the dance/music scene that I loved very much because I could see what was happening. I find it very sad. Thanks!

  3. The above comments have caught my attention. I would like to just add a comment even though it is very insignificant nevertheless I would like to encourage those who have come to experience mind control by those who claim to be so called masters...truth is they are not really masters of slaves but are slaves themselves. Slaves of the king from the restless world below. They themselves can not get themselves out of this manipulation and control as they themselves are controlled. They are not torturers but slaves and workers of an anti Christ. This mind control comes from below the true inventor was not Nicola tesla he was just the means for bringing an ancient sceme of the evil one to this earth... forget about the torturers as they are very insignificant... this control is a terrible evil that will be fullybexploited by the anti Christ in the near future.

  4. Im a NDE.
    Wanna learn more?
    Make Your Choice -SAW

  5. I went to a dark-psy party on accident years ago in the desert and it was all Satanists from San Francisco, large bon fires and inverted pentacles. It really turned me off in fact it was the last desert party I went to for a long time. After I commented about it on the next time I went to a Greeen Sector Party I got hard looks from a number of the "cool" kids who I suspect saw my comments on the Church of Satan partyi the desert. This was approximately 2007 maybe. God Bless you for writing about this. Not sure why I suddenly had the urge to d a search for satanic Psy trance but I`m glad I did.
