Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Satanic CIA torture music

Ok this is going to be heavy....

I want to welcome you to read this blog - read it very carefullt because I passionately believe this to be TRUE. I am willing to spend the rest of my life trying to stop this craziness and if you or me could save just 1 person from this hell - it would be worth it.

I want to tell you about my background first so you can decide whether or not I am a crazy fool or not. What I am going to say is hard to believe - EVEN FOR ME. I still find it hard to believe but I have kind of been forced to believe it now. It still amazes me daily that this could really be happening - but it is.

OK... who am I?

I have studied the occult, magick, witchcraft, world religions such as Buddhism, Taosim, Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Sufism, the Qabalah and various systems of psychology and philosophy since i was about 15. I am not and have never been into any kind of black magick and my interest has always been one of spiritual self development. I am a vegetarian and I care about all life forms. I now practice mainly Taoist meditation and chi-gung.

I also have had a very passionate interest in music since a very young age - I started off learning guitar and went on to start making electronic music - i got into techno and later psy trance. I was very into psy trance music and went to a lot of parties and festivals from the late 90's to recently.

I am also a a qualified scientist and computer scientist - I have studied Physics, Chemistry and Biology and I now work professionally as a Software developer.

OK - so now I'm going to tell you exactly what I have experienced over the last few years concerning 'satanic mind control music':

Firstly let me just say that I personally think that the word 'satanic' is wrong and it should be labelled 'demonic'. The reason i say that is because 'satan' is name invented by Christianity and i personally dont want to limit myself to one religious viewpoint. Demonic however is a universal term relating to evil forces.

I have used the word satanic in my blog title because that's generally what people call this type of thing - In particular people like Ted Gunderson - who has investigated satanic ritual abuse.

I first started hearing strange samples in psy trance music 2 or 3 years ago and recenty it seems to have flooded the scene. I believe this is a covert cia operation designed to destroy the psy trance community and turn it into a demonic f**ked up scene. It is very sad.
I used to go to parties and people would dance have fun, laugh, be happy and above all - have spiritual experiences - through dance and trance. i think that the cia felt that the psy trance community was getting too big and out of their control - so they decided to demonify it - turn it bad.

I started to hear samples (recordings) in the music of people screaming - people being tortured.
Now I want to make clear here - that I am also very psychic and i can tell when someone is lying to me - or acting very easily. When i hear these screams - more often than not - they appear VERY REAL. They are not samples taken from movies or something - they are actual sampled recordings of real people being tortured - for somebody elses sick pleasure.
Yes, I find this hard to believe too - but unfortuneatly i think this really is the truth.

In recent years i went to a couple of big psy trance festivals and they had a seperate stage devoted to only what they now call 'dark psy trance'. There were inverted pentagrams around the stage and they played this demonic torture music for hours.

The really strange thing is that some people sont seem to hear the sounds of screams or torturing. A few times I have been with friends in their house and they are playing some tunes - when I point out that there was a sample of someone screaming and they tell me they can't hear it.!!!

I pointed this out to them 2 years ago - and then I recently went to a party they organised and there were a few dj's - they ALL played this sick music. but this time i heard many tracks that were just SO CLEAR - samples of screaming and people crying and being tortured. SO FU**ING CLEAR AS DAY. HOW can they do this. and they just sit there and let it be played - as if they can't hear it.

I just don't know what to do now - even my friends seem to be sucked into this sicko bull**it.

And I have to say that it is NOT JUST in psy trance. I have heard it in a much more subtly way in many pop tracks. Very very famous artists sometimes have little samples of screams in their tracks.

ONCE YOU HAVE heard it - you will hear it over and over.


I am going to start a blog, a petition or something to have these samples investigated - find out where they are coming from.

BUT how could an investigation be started? would the police actually investigate this? They would just say I am crazy wouldn't they?

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE contact me if you can help or have any information - Together maybe we can stop these freaks from hurting anyone else.

PLEASE POST COMMENTS HERE - but please don't be too religious - This is not a religious excercise - This is abotu saving people from being tortured and about preventing this sick people from poisioning our minds.



  1. Hi

    I am delighted to read you are into Taoist meditation and chi kung. Embracing the Tao will help you chill out from the prospect of doom. Up that kidney power! I ought to relax too [instead of researching on wireless at 2.24 am!] Make no mistake.. all that is born dies and pain and suffering are all part of dualistic creation, the 10000 things.

    It seems humanity is in a death dive.. the demonic vampires have locked the controls for the wipeout of freedom and consciousness.. life itself on Earth. I pray i am wrong.. but when you consider the herd, their lack of consciousness and the systematic control machine the Ill. have set up, with the MPD MK'd Legion everywhere, ready to rise up imminently, it looks pretty fucked, does it not? So do your chi kung, eat raw fruits and greens, herbs, meditate and love everything. It's all good.. but of course we must do better! Be in the present moment and your Soul can handle anything, warrior.

    Have you checked psy-amb.blogspot? Great free mix downloads. Love psy :D

    Have you got reason to believe these evil samples are recorded into the tracks other than from your own hearing..? You better find someone else to hear them or it could be you being psychically picking up shit thru the ethers that is not actually on the audio recording. Have you acquired any tracks that you notice them on or is just other's music?

    I am interested in your mission as i reckon, as Hendrix and Plato and other smart guys said, music is the ultimate mind control. I wanna see happiness all round so count me in your team, bro! Check shakingmedicine.. those Bushmen have the trancedance in their blood ;D

    Oh yeah.. check Spring Forest QiGong.. simple but powerful!

    1. Thanks for the intersting comments.
      Its because i do practice maditation and chi gung that i am very aware of my own perceptions and believe me - i have obviously doubted that what I am hearing is actually on the recording or whether it is in my imaginations. Unfortunately I have confirmed many times that it is in fact real.

      Its very annoying to me that many of the tracks i'm refferrign to - I just dont know the names of the tracks and/or I've lost the names of th tracks.

      My girlfriend was at work once and heard a current pop track - it was on the radio - she told me she heard a scream on it - so we looked it up on last fm or something... and OMG - right in the middle of a musical interlude in the middle of the song was a totally clear sound of a young girl screaming.
      Now - what was that doing there?

      It is REAL - just wait - you will hear it soon.
      especially on full-on psy trance - and so called dark psy - but thats because they can get away with it easily - people expect weird samples - on pop music its a bit hidden. but its there.

    2. PS...

      you'll also notice in a lot of supposedly ethnic psy music - you'll hear arabic women and men screaming and moaning... thats from abu graive.

      example is: Gus Till - Rainsong

    3. haha bro I'm pretty sure i've met Gus Till and I've definitely met his brother Andrew. To suggest that they are making satanic mind control music is absurd. I don't dispute the mind control thing. But Gus Till? lol

  2. I have to agree whole-heartedly that this is dangerous for people to hear. The Trance state is seriously overlooked and underestimated.

    If the police hear the streams of Human Beings sampled in music, they MUST investigate.

    1. Hi Number 6 - I think your oppinion of the police is slightly over optimistic... they are quite often involved in a lot of dodgy things.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  5. man.. you are yet to understand what dark psychedelic trance music is all about. yes, you can hear samples of screams and such and the point that you are missing is that the music is SUPPOSED to bring out the state of fear that you now manifest through your blog, it's supposed to bring out the hell from deep within you so you may become conscious of it and rise above you own negative self projections. What you are doing now, blaming it on some secret CIA mission is giving in to you paranoia and doubt. dont be afraid to face your fears, to step intro the darkness. darkpsy provides the gateway to your innermost shadowy place, and you can experience that exploration with clear intent and when the sun rises, when you danced all you negativity and aggression into oblivion, you emerge cleansed and renewed. the darkpsy scene is a ritual of purification. in absolute darkness, the smallest spark illuminates infinitely.

    1. I have no idea how I stumbled upon this forum but all of these guys sound crazy to me. You are the only one who replied with an intelligent accurate description of what Dark Psy is about and no one replied to it lol let's just get back to the CIA nonsense ha. And no I don't work for the CIA

    2. I have no idea how I stumbled upon this forum but all of these guys sound crazy to me. You are the only one who replied with an intelligent accurate description of what Dark Psy is about and no one replied to it lol let's just get back to the CIA nonsense ha. And no I don't work for the CIA

    3. Dark psy is so good and healing that my younger brother doenst listen to any other kind of music... it makes u so free from darkens that hes violent, dark,doenst respect my parents! You can see the entities on him and how it takes over his entire life...
      And, No just my brother....
      Dark psy is dark and evil... it doenst make u stronger, it opens doors for demons to come in and make u think you feeling stronger.. but no... its the ilusion of power wich in true is pain.. pain that energy that Demons feed of.. you guys have no clue what dark psy realy is.
      Only blind ppl say its good... its the ego convincing themselves. Dark is dark period.

  6. hey man you re completely right about this issue,and be sure that the cia and generally the cops are trying to turn bad everything they cant control.NAME tasos from greece been to parties outdoor and in doors since 93,in the beginning it was perfect now it s a mental hell and the young people cant feel a thing,keep your effort up
    bravo man

  7. How did you publish this in the future?

  8. I would advise you brother not to do Taoist meditation and chi-gung because it is contrary to Christianity like yoga, reik, and i think others too. seek Jesus Christ brother which he is the way the truth and the life Colossians 3:1-2
    If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.

  9. Hi I would like to talk to you! Please email me at

    1. mail me and let me know what you know.

  10. Hey man I would like to thank you for figuring this shit out in 2011
    this is great if I had met your earlier.
    You got the demonic part wrong, however the CIA energy, ever since we woke up to the freedom and power of trance has been trying to fuck us over and pollute the mindwaves. I started noticing it even in local parties. I mean, using the beautiful and free landscapes our beautiful minds and souls created for petty control and spending 90% on music production on trying to put their stinky labels on our free energy and steam and bully as much as they can from it for no other reason then to compete for petty rank like feed their old machine-washed egos and humiliate( women for example) and to bring down the collective consciousness because someone out there is smarter then this is not cool. Inverse pentagrams are another thing man, someone needs to hold this planet together >3 BUt its our job when we realise someone is stealing our energy to make survailance and control and to cripple we need to realize they came uninvited, AND INSTEAD of bringing gifts like psyonic machines and weather aid and new technology for the global uplifting and raise of earth they tried to take the scene and cripple its momentum, but we didn't like it so its our job to to chase them out until they learn that we don't just take everything like obedient pets. (us as a whole(meditate on that word, its nice), not tribe, family, tent, couple, person)

  11. More then one type of people use this tactic, sure the CIA is one of them ( the bad elements within the CIA) but there's also your run of the mill occultist who will do it for what ever reason, it's called mind control.......

  12. You're definitely right about the demonic brainwashing syndicate that's taken over the psytrance world. MC Culkin is a key player in the dark psytrance regime. 150 beats per minute played at a certain resonant frequency actually shuts down key parts of the brain that distinguish right from wrong, allowing subtle messages to implant themselves in one's subconscious - in this case, causing some to become destructive and hateful towards others and in turn, jeopardizing the operation of the community as a whole. the Hitech psytrance genre is another example of the demonic music cult. hidden information can be found here

    1. Satanic as fuck. Thanks for the warning :D Gonna go listen and see if I recognize any of those screams.

      I found some more satanic psytrance here...

      If you listen close enough, you can hear the baby jesus raping some refugee children.

  13. We wrote a blog post on this and included a link to your blog. We studied an Adam Beyer mix and found some sick samples.

    Are you still around?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Sorry to teel You that but it's harder than a simple control of mind ;) Human Being has always have evil twins! People try to structure the world but others try to destructure it ;) What about terrorhardcore? ahaha

  15. Like everywhere , entities try to push us down with them, by breaking our roots. I ve quit the psychedelic trance movement after 12years into it, seeeing with horror the other side of the surface. But like everywhere, everything, beiing in the truth means to position ourself so to not give ourselves to them. These rock and roll , techno, psytrance etc ...movments just bring us down to illusion , ignorance, and suffering finally...

    It is not the music it self that i criticise but what we do with... as the music, without control of ourselves act as stimuli to create emotions, what kind of emotions create these kind of samples , this music in general, these gatherings? what kind of emotions and energies are created in these parties today, creating enormous egregores in wich we are stucked ? And finally what kind of frequencies they make us reach ?

    I m agree with you, i am interested and seek the "what", means the energies that we bring and make live inside us, and all of this, hidden behind the surface of beouty make us fly (break our roots), bring avidity, vanity, nostalgy, sadness etc ...seeds of sickness in general, bringing us to dense frequencies, especially if addition to drugs because we mix with all the others and fall "all together" , bringing sufffering at the end, bringing us little by little more far from the center of the heart, where we should reach the true Axis.

    But to come back to your article , i am agrre with you , so much samples are used in total ignorance and non responsability, and are really minor , or used in purpose to make fall us little by little, acting hard in our psychism.....and i m really not surprised if you tell me that you listen some screams, human screams and suffering, people tortured or sound resonnating of the earth, hiddening screams of people prisonners in caves or whatever... I already listen some, you are true. But such as everywhere, if we are not aware of what is down us and how they take control of the human temple , and how to get rid of, so we stay under control... even through our creations... Some beeings are perfectly aware of how to maintain us in depedencies, illusion and ignorance, and apparently they do it well, because we feed them in a way.

    We are in the middle of something which exceeded our consciousness, an eternal battle betwins opossed forces, but each thing must be at its own place, and then it is fine.

    Yes ... Ignorance... we are all fucked up by it.

    Good luck, and wish us peace from Father Love & light from Mother Consciousness

  16. I've never heard of this before but it totally seems right in line with what these sickos do. I know the illuminati have torture parties where they torture children and people so I don't doubt for a second that somewhere along the way they've also recorded it.

  17. Children, this is why you don't smoke crack.

  18. i can safely say that there is no such thing as the cia and that you are imagining all of this here listen to this healing trance meditation and you will wake up from this waking nightmare of yours

    1. Praise jesus. I was able to remove xenu's taint by listening to this holy active meditation music.

      There is anti-imaginary sumerian scrolls translated througha formant filter here at this link.

      100% no satan, guaranteed. Praise Allah

  19. I feel somehow similar when hearing those inharmonic DubStep 'Wobble' Sounds.
    love and light

    1. what are these dubstep wobble sounds meant to do to us?

  20. Mail me! I know something.

  21. You are totally right, I lived some fucked up experiences in those parties like, telepathy , energy vampirism, all is perveted by secret societies and occult organisations . Read this article its in French (so am I) :
    It's about a girl who has been in touch with the top of the organisation of Goa parties and reveals all the occult part and black magick behind it. Ask I you want to share info,

  22. It's sad these Lucifarian/Illuminati bastards have taken a chunk of what was originally a positive energy music genre and perverted it. You will see more proof of what you're saying & people who agree with you here:

  23. Quantum Self:

    First of all i do not believe a single word you say because you have so many typos in your grammar and yet you studied psychology, chemistry, and all these top highly qualified positions. Second of all, if you do not know anything about Trance or Psy Trance, keep your comments to yourself and stop falsely brain washing people with facts you clearly don't know anything about. Trance falls in a genre where it is uplifting and melodic if you will. Psy Trance falls into that sub category making it more hardcore meaning more beats and sounds that make the music intriguing and bad ass with 140+ bmp. This music has nothing to do with satanic or evil entities, unlike death metal or heavy metal and some rock bands. This is TRANCE MUSIC and if you believe this guy then you are just brain washing yourself from the truth which is right in front of you. Trance and Psy Trance takes heart, talent , skill and passion to make, those are just the few facts which you know nothing about. SO again, keep your comments elsewhere and not where you can falsely make people believe it to be true. Thanks.

    1. oh and just because you find the music to be so called "evil" it doesn't mean it actually is. it's like me saying I think that i'm gonna die tomorrow because i have a cold or a cough. see the relevance? there is no sense made there, it doesnt make sense at all and is just a personal opinion.

  24. well, what you wrote is kind of restricted because what you said can be found in most of society. i've been tried to get manipulated since i entered school at 4, manipulation, subtle messages, subtle psychological violence and such, in my family, in my school, in my high school, between my non psy-trance friends, at my work, between my colleagues and my boss, even between people i've just met two minutes ago. so what we are even talking about? this is a reflection of the collective subconsciousness. what about all the kids dying in syria, the millions of kids being enslaved in china, all the people tortured in jails in egypt and such (you should get informed about this), and all the fucking crazy social experiments that i see being given to american people. and second thing, imagining a spy from the cia giving samples of real tortured people to these freaky and shy psytrance producers (and i know personally many of them) , or even a thing about a CIA undercover that start to say "ok now i will start to make some fucked up psytrance to make all this freaks go paranoid" it's fucking absurd. if you would really understand how the collective unconscious field works, you would know that it's just information arriving in our minds from somewhere else... the earth is screaming dude, people are screaming of pain all over the world, some sensitive musician is just picking them up, without knowing were they would even come from, and put them into music, we are all one, but for real, and 70% of the world is screaming. i see psytrance being the LEAST of the problems of this world, there are so many good people on the psytrance scene, 70% of people who really believe so, and many of them sadly overtaken by drugs, and especially synthetic drugs, those thing make you transform from the core of you , transform your thoughts, your energy and your face, coming from a very bad karma of millions and millions of dollars going around and god knows how many people die every day because of the illicit import-export of these drugs. energy is mixing, if psytrance people are mixing this with themselves this is what you get, they don't really do it with bad intentions of course but maybe with they do it with ignorance, if i would say that the cia has a role in this, is to make synthetic drugs look appealing and cool, but the fact it that those thing destroy you deep in the core. plus, nobody can manipulate and steal your energy if you are strong enough. i'm sorry if some chick here and there (or even some guys i know) got manipulated into drugs and this kind of dark stuff, but if you are really who you say you are you would take this to get even more stronger and to learn the lessons. everything is a reflection of the collective unconscious, and you can't blame anything that exist on this divine plane, just accept it for what it is, good or bad, and try to understand it, that the problem actually comes from something else. and don't even understand why even writing an article about this... to people who read this it just gives us less hope about humanity and get a really dark perspective on the psytrance scene which is actually not true, but your own experience. second, this article makes all conspiracy theorists look paranoid and retarded, conspiracy theories that actually have a foundation of truth, make them look like fables and fantasies.

  25. Personally the secular psytrance industry is a little on the demonic side, hypnotic rhythms and melodies that cause mental illness, far from uplifting trance that promotes love and more natural human emotions than paranoia and demonic worship.

    This fact is why in Isaiah 29, The Lord states to Ariel, that the festivals continue year after year, and they are not in the name of The Lord, read also Isaiah chapter 1.

    The whole industry is a farce and needs a revolution and reform, especially if we want the sons of Jacob in in gathering of exiles from America and around the world to enjoy your music in a safe environment that does not promote the worship of Satan or a devil.

    You're 23 verses of what God says about the worship or serving the devil.

  26. Personally the secular psytrance industry is a little on the demonic side, hypnotic rhythms and melodies that cause mental illness, far from uplifting trance that promotes love and more natural human emotions than paranoia and demonic worship.

    This fact is why in Isaiah 29, The Lord states to Ariel, that the festivals continue year after year, and they are not in the name of The Lord, read also Isaiah chapter 1.

    The whole industry is a farce and needs a revolution and reform, especially if we want the sons of Jacob in in gathering of exiles from America and around the world to enjoy your music in a safe environment that does not promote the worship of Satan or a devil.

    You're 23 verses of what God says about the worship or serving the devil.

  27. Hi guys I've started making some electronic music and If someone here is interested in making music can share this sample source

  28. How old is this article?
    this name that appears as my name isnt my email.
    its just from a random pc i logged into the site with .
    Here it is i will give you some information about some clues that the entities use to give.

    Actually They pointed this issue to jews not to cia but anyway it could be any who has the ability to be decide for people or leading them .

    the darkpsy thing was one of the basic clues that you got about the whole scene because you did allot of meditation and bright stuff . to be aware . aware of corruption .
    this corruption has taken over the worlds psytrance scene . Full-on - Darkpsy - Hitech - almost any music that uses a pattern to be created on a digital device . fact : natural sounds could be even healing like guitar or you know ....
    ok whats going on ? i dont have allot of information as i appear so but here we go .
    technically its . Machine elve technology abuse .
    What is machine elf technology ? not something to describe in one sentence or word .
    how about machine elve them self ? better do a search .
    a great source of power which can be used and you have to be qualified to be able to interact with those entities . are those entities good ? bad ? actually there are both of them .
    whats their connection with the psytrance scene ?
    to interact with machine elves you need to have a deep experience with drugs or meditation , atleast i know these two methods .
    ( you dont choose to have connection with a machine elve , they will choose you if they want to , so dont go after drugs please )
    ok when those leaders did drugs . and started inventing all this psytrance ( a simulation of alien language sometimes strong and highly connected , sometimes edited by humans who werent into simulating alien sounds and wanted to jump up and down with the crowd , thats psytrance bass music which has a less darker society but anyway its promoting those dark festivals because the leaders cia or jews are buying them promoting them giving the money fame and fans but yes some can be not harmful but when you go after them at night someone will play that darkpsy anyway .
    using machine elve technology had it consequences . you had to pass some serious filters , at the end you will be given the promotion to use black magic ( not their best offer ) under some terms .
    what does that mean ?

    two things .
    1.The machine elves understimating human powers .
    2. Humans considering machine elves as gods and obeying them . instead of the power the get from the entities .
    ok i didnt had a good speech and my english wasnt also that good . and my information isnt 100% loaded yet .
    im having strong connection with those enities . i was chosen. im not responding to them that quickly as they want.
    They appeared to me like we are gods , they are friendly to me , they said : please have this gift and have a sit with us any time you want .
    i have kinda full access to their world , realms and mostly technology .
    i dont have much consequence i already passed black magic ceremonies as a victim ive seen the hell of those people but im aware now of them .
    i have a huge weight of responsibilities which im about NOT to accept at all i want to be successful human not someone who banished the evil .
    but maybe i know how to crack the code. how to encrypt it over again . but these days . im just acting normal . if theres someone who has a clue about my words feel free to contact me .
    instagram : Distantland.artist
    why just instagram ? lets get into their territories i have the balls :D
    ummm i didnt had a good speech but if 1 person has a clue about what im saying .... just 1 person ... ;)

  29. Dark pay trance is a not what u think. That torturing sounds is a part of self healing . The more you get tortured from sounds ,the deeper you go into dimensions and kill your ego ,also cleanse your soul . It's a traumatic experience with a healing effect . And also lots of dark pay trance music has Hindu mantra added better the tracks which has a evolving experience to the user . In sorry to say you have misunderstood this music and also want to say it's not for everyone . So better don't listen and let the people like it ,enjoy it .

  30. I believe that psytrance is music of Art. And the questions you have can only be Answered by the Artists that created the music🖤

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. This article is an appealing wealth of informative data that is interesting and well-written. I commend your hard work on this and thank you for this information. You’ve got what it takes to get attention.
    leroy moreno

  33. Man you are right! It's a mind control warfare.
    I had an psychedelic experience, since that moment i started to see things differently. I was a hiphop head but now i listen all types of music and i can tell the difference in a good music and that 'demonic' music. I can not listen darktrance, dubstep or a trap. It make my body frequencies feel bad. And btw think of all tbis names. For example Trap. It is really a trap for a nowadays generation. Isnt it look as a conspiracy?

    I always thought all these conspiracy (such as mk-ultra mind control tbeory) theories were made by some psychos. But from some point i started to do a research. And guess what. I ended up to be in a programm. I been ignorant, maybe, but at FIFA 2018 I was screaming to tourists "welcome to the biggest concentration camp in the world". And a month later i started to hear a low frequency bass humm that never ends. Daily and nightly. I started to wake up half-paralized sometimes after that (make a research: cointelpro, mk-ultra, psychotronic weapons). The play a street theatres for me and at first time i thought im gone crazy and even wanted to commit a suicide. I live in this condition for more than a year, and i have no idea bow to get rid of it. It's a daily tortue. And btw, they got their hands on everything. Today i tried to say about it on youtube and my comment been constantly deleted.

    Man you sound crazy. Me, i sound crazy too. Few years ago i wouldn't believe such a 'bullshit', but now we see it's a fucking reality. Spread the message! Peace.
    P.S. and please do not mix a religion in this, they often try to make it look as a god's plan, but it is NOT. It's a fascists way to control society.

  34. Thank you so much for not being manipulated and delusional. First of all why tf would you listen to American psytrance. Secondly, I live in South Africa. And the psytrance is thriving here. BE IT DARKPSY OR PROGRESSIVE OR HI TEC. To me it sounds like you are lending your ears out and opening yourself up to find dark things. Dont criticize something you dont understand mr Quantum Self

  35. I myself am I big fan of psytrance, personally I haven't heard the screams I consider myself lucky, but do let me know of a sample of this scream that you mention either from pop or psy, even I'm a little psychic and I'd like to clarify your fears and stop this madness.
